Here at Two19, the toasty February sun ☀️ is giving us some fresh vibes. But it's not just the Tasmanian weather Two19 has to worry about anymore! We now have a new climate and a new timezone on the team...
That's right, Two19 has grown up and we have expanded the team. A tremendously warm welcome to Bianca, Two19's head of Marketing and Social Media. As well as joining the team here, she also streams over on Twitch and writes for Game on Aus. Definitely go check out her work!
Bianca has some really fun and exciting things planned for Kingless and Two19 in the future. We plan to start sharing a little more behind the scenes of things we are working on. Including things we have not even spoken about publicly yet! You might also hear from Bianca on The Big Milkshake from time to time as well.
Kingless Expansion
February has been another huge month for the expansion. While playtesting continues, we have been hard at work locking in the character designs. This is obviously a huge component and building out the story and background for all these new cards is quite the task.
For now, almost all the new characters, items, events and attachments have names that we are happy with. Can't wait to share some of the new stories and characters with you very soon. Or maybe we leave that introduction up to Bianca... 🤔
Check in on the socials from time to time, things are changing over there and we'd love for you to be involved.
That's all from me, I will be back for another update at the end of March! 👋
Kingless is available worldwide from our store